Our Children's Songs With Illustrations

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Thomas Hood.
Love thy mother, little one!
Kiss and clasp her neck again ! Hereafter she may have a son
Will kiss and clasp her neck in vain. Love thy mother, little one!
Gaze upon her living eyes,
And mirror back her love for thee! Hereafter thou mayst shudder sighs
To meet them when they can not see. Gaze upon her liviug eyes!
Press her lips the while they glow With love that they have often told!
Hereafter thou mayst press iu woe, And kiss them till thine own are cold. Press her lips the while they glow !
Oh, revere her raven hair,
Although it he not silver-gray!
Too early death, led on by care,
May snatch save one dear lock away. Oh, revere her raven hair!
Pray for her at eve and morn,
That heaven may long the stroke defer: For thou mayst live the hour forlorn
When thou wilt ask to die with her. Pray for her at eve and morn!
" Lilliput Levee."
If the butterfly courted the bee,
Aud the owl the porcupine : If churches were built in the sea,
And three times oue were nine; If the pony rode his master;
If the buttercups eat the cows: If the cat had the dire disaster
To be worried, sir, by the mouse ;
If mamma, sir, sold the baby
To a gypsy for half a crown : If a gentleman, sir, was a lady�
The world would be upside down! If any or all these wonders
Should ever come about, I should not consider them blunders,
For I should be inside out!
Mary Howitt.
The clock is on the stroke of six,
The father's work is done; Sweep up the hearth, and mend the fire,
And put the kettle on; The wild night-wind is blowing cold, 'Tis dreary crossing o'er the wold.